Monday, December 16, 2019

Climbing Back Into The Channel

I should have titled this post "He Ain't Heavy He Is My Brother", but I doubt anyone would even know that song! This market is trading like an ADR from back in the 1990s, but it continues to go higher.

The end of year is typically pretty thin trading, and it is clear so far there is not much interest in selling much if anything. Trust my I have fought the tape enough and it is always work just to scratch back to even. However, the last could days there has not been much of a counter move to recover from being on the wrong side. Large gap ups and holds just tend to finish hear the high and cause the same pain for anyone who is short. If you are short, you are right to be short! You are just not right, right now. I read a post by a trader who said they were making great money in the morning only to give it back and carry losing trades through the lunch out in hopes of recovering in the afternoon. Make money, walk away, come back with 90 minutes left and see if you can add to it. This current pattern could continue until year end. There are big up days, but not a lot of two sided trading. You see the news and the market up 200 points, it doesn't mean it was easy trading. If you came in long, I have been in your shoes. You should be rewarded!

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