1. Closing price within 1% of 200day moving average.
C >= AvgC200*0.99 AND C <=AvgC200*1.01
2. Closing price within 1% of 50day moving average.
C >= AvgC50*0.99 AND C <= AvgC50*1.01
3. Price crossing 50day moving average.
C1 < AvgC50.1 AND C > AvgC50
4. Price crossing 50day moving average with an increase in volume.
C1 < AvgC50.1 AND C > AvgC50 AND V > AvgV20
5. 4day moving average crossing up through 9day moving average.
AvgC4.1 < AvgC9.1 AND AvgC4 > AvgC9
6. New 5day High
C >C1 AND C > C2 AND C > C3 AND C > C4 AND C > C5
7. First day up in the last 3days.
C > C1 AND C1 < C2 AND C2 < C3
8. Close up on declining volume.(short scan)
C > C1 AND C1 > C2 AND C2 > C3 AND V < V1 AND V1 < V2 AND V2 < V3
9. MACD Bullish Crossover
XAVGC12 - XAVGC26 > XAVG(XAVGC12,9) - XAVG(XAVGC26,9) AND (XAVGC12.1 - XAVGC26.1 < XAVG(XAVGC12.1,9) - XAVG(XAVGC26.1,9) OR XAVGC12.2 - XAVGC26.2 < XAVG(XAVGC12.2,9) - XAVG(XAVGC26.2,9))
10. Stochastic Cross Up Through > 20
STOC12.5.1 < 20 AND STOC12.5 >= 20
11. Stochastic Cross Down Through < 80
STOC12.5.1 > 80 AND STOC12.5 <= 80
12. Short Term Triangles(simple)
MAXC2 < MAXC2.5 AND MAXC2.8 < MAXC2.21 AND MINC2 > MINC2.5 AND MINC2.8 > MINC2.21 AND C > 5 AND XAVGV13 > 1500
13. Longer Term Triangles(simple)
14. Trending Consolidation 25day
(MAXH25 - MINL25) / ((AVGH25 - AVGL25) * 25) * 100
15. Close up with 2x Average Volume
C > C1 AND V > 2 * AVGV21
These are just some of the simple scans that can be written with Telechart's very simple language. The samples here are posted to provide a starting point for understanding the potential scanning software has for saving time in finding technical set ups.
If you have any ideas that you are having trouble writing the appropriate code for, use the email below to ask a question. Having used the software for 8 years, I might be able to offer some time saving help. It is possible to create many custom indicators and take advantage of some of Telechart's proprietary indicators to come up with a routine that should lessen the time in searching for winning stocks. In the future I will be posting some of the ideas and custom indicators I have come up with. They might be of help, or they could be the spark for a greater idea by someone else.
Telechart subscription runs $29.99 per month. They have discounts for a yearly subscription, but the best part is they let you try the product free for 30days. Even if you don't find the product something you need, it could be worth it to take the trial and see what they have to offer. They also offer a real-time package for $99 a month, with discounts for the yearly subscription. They also offer a new software package, Blocks, which is great for back testing trading ideas.
Email for questions about codes mentioned above or writing new ones :
Link for 30day Trial
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